MRPC GDSN Connect Home
Welcome to GDSN Connect
GDSN Connect is a big step forward in how MRPC shares its awarded bid catalogs and product information with members. With access to the largest database of K-12 products, MRPC is making it easier than ever for members to search for items in catalogs and find the product information you need for menu planning. Because GDSN Connect receives product information directly from manufacturers, it’s automatically kept up to date so you don’t have to find this information yourself.
You can build your own item database in GDSN Connect from items you use from MRPC catalogs, and there are optional features to allow you to sync this product information into your back of the house software, dramatically reducing the time and effort of manually entering nutritional data. You can find out how to get started below!
A Message from Keri
Beginning in SY25-26, all the MRPC awarded bid catalogs will be housed in GDSN Connect. For the remainder of this school year, you will still have access to the Excel spreadsheets in our Google Drive in addition to the finding the catalogs in the GDSN Connect software. But start to get familiar with it so when we make the transition you will be ready.
Get Started Now!
Please follow these steps to register for and start using GDSN Connect to access your MRPC catalogs:
1. Register for GDSN Connect to receive an email with your credentials
2. Sign in to GDSN Connect using these credentials
3. Review our Getting Started guide that will walk you through using GDSN Connect
4. Sign up for and attend an introductory small group training for more interactive help.
If you need additional help, you can review additional user guides, tips, troubleshooting steps, and contact us at our Help Center.
GDSN Connect Webinar & Videos
Ready to incorporate GDSN Connect in your program? Below is a recording of the MRPC GDSN Connect overview webinar and some short videos exploring the key features of GDSN Connect.
MRPC Member Webinar 12/3/2024 (48 min)
GDSN Connect Core Features (3 min)
GDSN Connect Basic Subscription Features (2.5 min)
Optional Features to Extend GDSN Connect
MRPC has provided its members with access to GDSN Connect at no cost that gives you everything you need to search your bid catalogs and download product specifications for the items you use. But GDSN Connect can do so much more! Here are a few of the additional features available through GDSN Connect:
Sync with BOH Software: Eliminate manual data entry by syncing catalog data into your back of the house software application
Play in a Menu Sandbox: Try out new serving ideas and build recipes and weekly menus without impacting your current software.
Prepare for Admin Review: Print out standardized item spec sheets for the items from your recipes and menus.
Produce Bid Specifications: Automatically create competitive specifications from your items for non-MRPC procurements.
And the best thing is that GDSN Connect’s advanced features are easily available to members at a discounted price through an existing MRPC contract. Schedule a meeting with us to learn more about these features and how to sign up!
Adopting GDSN to Streamline Procurement
The Future of Bidding
ACDA recently conducted a Future of Bidding webinar series. Keri’s introduction about the importance of the integration of GDSN in procurement is a highlight. Watch the webinar: The Future of Bidding.
GDSN & Bid Management
R10MPRC is now requiring awarded vendors to publish their product information using GDSN. The inclusion of each product’s Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) will allow R10MRPC and its members access to up-to-date product information from GDSN Connect. This approach will save hundreds of hours of bid prep time while greatly expanding competition for branded foods. View MPRC Vendor Bid Requirement
GDSN & Technology Procurements
This draft language can be utilized by districts in formal procurements for back of the house software (menu planning, inventory, ordering, etc.) to ensure that the software they adopt supports the import and export of GDSN Connect data files. Download Software Template