Information for Back of the House (BOH) Software Providers
The Nourish to Flourish Initiative led to the creation of a unified product database for use in K-12. Developed collaboratively by an industry-wide group of stakeholders that included software vendors, the N2F Database adheres to open data standards established by the Technology Stakeholder Advisory Group. It is based on GDSN and enriched with data from the USDA, distributors, and other sources. This comprehensive database serves K-12 operators by consolidating all necessary product information in one place and makes it available for use in their software applications. It also offers suppliers a single, centralized platform to publish their product details to reach all of K-12.

inTEAM has been fortunate to work closely with developers representing each supported brand. In all cases we have been able to maintain the integrity of the GDSN Standards while exchanging files designed to match required file structures unique to each application using common protocols for .csv files. Our integration support services will continue provided to at no cost to BOH software providers. We are pleased that some providers now offer GDSN Connect as an add on service for annual support contracts.

New Options for API Support
inTEAM has developed new options for deeper integration to streamline and enhance the user experience. This included new API support for single sign on, instant file transfer and enhanced data capabilities for Farm to School and USDA Foods Processed End Products. Please contact us to discuss these new options.